Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

A Study On Occupational Stress and Challenges Faced by Working Women

Ms. N. Sheethal, Prof. J. Katyayani

Abstract :

<p> Women today have acquired skills and capabilities of not just being a homemaker but being at par with their male counterparts. This is the new generation of women, who wants to pursue their dream career. But this life is not a bed of roses for all. More conflict arises with the working mother. One has to fulfil the demand at work followed by various demands at home. In today’s scenario the husband and wife both work towards creating a balance with their work life as well as at home with their children. But it is still difficult for women as she has to play multiple roles of a cook, a family maid, a tutor, a nurse as well as cater to the demands of office work This can leave a working woman stressed and anxious; more so if the family is not supportive. The purpose of this analysis is the evaluation of women’s exposure to stress inducing factors .</p>

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Ms. N. Sheethal, PROF. J. KATYAYANI A Study On Occupational Stress and Challenges Faced by Working Women Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 2 February 2016

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