Volume : XIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2024

Increased Risk Of Fracture Associated With HIV And Kidney Disease: A Case Report

Ahmad Mohammed, Samrawit Zinabu, Huda Gasmelseed, Belal Yasin, Gabriel Carter, Mahlet Abrie, Rahel Fentie, Girma Ayele, Rediet Atalay, Miriam Michael

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra/0511402  

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INCREASED RISK OF FRACTURE ASSOCIATED WITH HIV AND KIDNEY DISEASE: A CASE REPORT, Ahmad Mohammed, Samrawit Zinabu, Huda Gasmelseed, Belal Yasin, Gabriel Carter, Mahlet Abrie, Rahel Fentie, Girma Ayele, Rediet Atalay, Miriam Michael GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-13 | Issue-8 | August-2024

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