The Role of Security And Technology Support in The Adoption of E–Banking
Abstract :
Banking is Information challenging business and information technology (IT) plays a key role in it. The growing
competitive situations in the financial services market have forced to broaden and activate other delivery channels. The
latest delivery channel to be set off is the electronic banking. This paper discusses the effect of security on the adoption
of e banking. It also discusses how technology support offered to the respondents leads to a rise in customer adoption of e banking. The study
was conducted among 346 respondents in Chennai city. The respondents were e banking users and comprised of both males and females. All
respondents had graduation as their minimum qualification level. It was revealed from the study that both gender and occupation does not
influence the technology support. On the other hand there is a significant difference in the age groups regarding the technology support in the
usage of e banking. The study also reveals that there is significant correlation among security, Technology support and customer adoption.
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