Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

A Study On Emotional Intelligence Of Secondary School Teachers

Dr. Umme Kulsum, Prathima H. P.

Abstract :

Emotional Intelligence is one of the latest words in the organizations and among educators. E.I. is the driving force behind the success and everyday interactions with others. It plays vital role in the interactions and decisions of any situations in the individuals life. The present study conducted on emotional intelligence of secondary school teachers. It concludes that there was a significant difference in Emotional intelligence with Self awareness, self development, value orientation, empathy, emotional stability between male and female teachers. Thus for teachers emotional intelligence is an important factor accounting for their effectiveness.  

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Dr. Umme Kulsum, Prathima H.P. A Study On Emotional Intelligence Of Secondary School Teachers Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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