Volume : VIII, Issue : XII, December - 2018
An improved Green Synthesis and applications of a Chiron derived from 2,3 isopropylidene-D-Glyceraldehyde and 1,3 propane dithiol
C. B. Mhaske, B. G. Hazra, B. B. Bahule, R. P. Yadav
Abstract :
In the present paper we wish to report the synthesis of a chiron which is produced from the readily available sugar precursor D–Mannitol. The Mannitol was first convered into diispropylidene derivative and then cleaved oxidatively to yield 2,3–O– isopropylidene D– Glyceraldehyde . This aldehyde was selectively converted into 1, 3 dithiane in quantitative yield employing 1,3 propane dithiol and Montmorillonite (K–10) catalyst. This Chiron can be effectively used for the construction of C–C sigma bond and this methodology can be extensively used for the synthesis of different natural products. This method is eco–friendly and obeys rules of green chemistry principles
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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An improved Green Synthesis and applications of a Chiron derived from 2,3 isopropylidene–D–Glyceraldehyde and 1,3 propane dithiol , C.B.Mhaske, B.G. Hazra, B.B.Bahule, R.P. Yadav , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8|Issue-12| December-2018
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An improved Green Synthesis and applications of a Chiron derived from 2,3 isopropylidene–D–Glyceraldehyde and 1,3 propane dithiol , C.B.Mhaske, B.G. Hazra, B.B.Bahule, R.P. Yadav , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8|Issue-12| December-2018
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