Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Behaviourism : Science or Metaphysics

Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sharma

Abstract :

Behaviourism originated primarily as a methodological movement. It represents an attempt to apply the methods of natural sciences to human behaviour. Behaviourists insist that whatever human beings do is just a part of natural causal nexus, hence, human behaviour and conditions of which it is a function are describable in physicalist language. Any subject matter which cannot be put into naturalist language is rejected as traditional fiction, superstitious and metaphysical. Present paper seeks to examine whether behaviourist enterprise can be discribed as scientific, or else behaviourists are presenting their own metaphysical speculations as scientific findings.  

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Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sharma Behaviourism : Science or Metaphysics Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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