Volume : VIII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Career Development Policies and Practices in Banks - A Study with Special Reference to Selected Private and Public Sector Banks

Dr. B. Shivakumar

Abstract :

 The business organization are attaching great importance to human resource because human resources are the biggest source of competitive advantage and has the capability of converting all the other resources into product/service. The effective performance of this human resource depends on the type of Career Development policies and Practices that prevails in the banking sector, if it is good than the employee’s performance will be high but if it is average or poor then the performance will be low. The study of Career Development policies and Practices is very important for all the organization and the banking sector is not an exception, especially in the present situation of financial recession. The present study is an attempt to find out the type of Career Development policies and Practices that is prevailing in public sector banks in Chitradurga and Davanagere districts. The researcher has also tried to find out the difference in the perception of employees regarding Career Development policies and Practices on the basis of age, gender, designation, qualification. The researcher collected the data from the employees of selected public sector banks using structured Career Development policies and Practices questionnaire .The data were analyzed using several statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, percentiles, T test. The result shown that the Career Development policies and Practices in public sector banks is average and the perception of employees regarding the Career Development policies and Practices do not differs significantly on the basis of gender, qualification and designation  but it differs significantly on the basis of age . The paper ends by offering useful suggestions to the management involved in the operations of the banks

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Career Development Policies and Practices in Banks – A Study with Special Reference to Selected Private and Public Sector Banks , Dr. B.Shivakumar , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8|Issue-12| December-2018

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