Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014
Cost Variation Study of Antidiabetics: Indian Scenario
H. N. Lalan, Manjusha K. Borde, Ipseeta Mohanty Ray, Y. A. Deshmukh
Abstract :
The Indian pharmaceutical industry has become a cornucopia of medicines with wide variation in prices for the same medicine marketed under different and names. Methods: CIMS (current index of medical stores) Apr–June 2013 & IDR (Indian drug review) issue3 2013 & MIMS (Monthly Index of Medical Specialities) Feb. 2013 were reviewed for the prices of drugs used in the management of diabetes mellitus and the percentage variation in price were calculated. Results: In Single drug therapy of oral antidiabetics maximum % price variation is 830. In combination therapies maximum % price variation is 475. In Insulin preparations maximum % price variation is 1881.24. Conclusion: The average percentage price variation of different ands of the same drug is very wide and hence the physician must keep this in mind while prescribing, considering the financial background of the patient. This is necessary since the drug treatment may extend for a long time; usually lifelong
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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H. N. Lalan, Manjusha K. Borde, Ipseeta Mohanty Ray, Y. A. Deshmukh H. N. Lalan, Manjusha K. Borde, Ipseeta Mohanty Ray, Y. A. Deshmukh Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014
Number of Downloads : 1114
H. N. Lalan, Manjusha K. Borde, Ipseeta Mohanty Ray, Y. A. Deshmukh H. N. Lalan, Manjusha K. Borde, Ipseeta Mohanty Ray, Y. A. Deshmukh Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014
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