Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Epidural Steroid In Low Back Ache

Dr. B. L. Khajotia, Dr. Neelam Meena

Abstract :

Overall results of present study have shown that epidural steroid therapy in selected cases of low back ache with or without radicular pain is a useful and innocuous therapeutic measure to relieve pain. The combination of Triamcinolone acetate and Bupivicaine 0.5% produces better results (76%) in present series Out of 50 patients 25 (50) % were totally relieved, 13 patients (26%) got sufficient relief of pain but needed lumber support. There were only 12 patient (24%) who did not respond this therapy. Mechanism of action of this injection, there has been much speculation, keeping in view the small quantity of fluid injected in our series the therapeutic effect is mainly due to effect of drugs rather than mechanical advantage of eaking adhesions etc. , it seems logical to assume that strong antiinflammatory effect of steroids can be utilized best by epidural injection of long acting steroid and long acting anaesthetic.

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Dr. B. L. Khajotia, Dr. Neelam Meena Epidural Steroid In Low Back Ache Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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