Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Factors Affecting The Sustainability Of The Asphalt Roads: A Case Study Of Irbid Inner Ring Road, Jordan

Dr. Mihai Iliescu

Abstract :

This study discusses the impact of weather, road design and method of construction on the asphalts sustainability in the Inner Ring Road, in Irbid, Jordan. At most importance and care should be given to these factors in order to give more durability for our asphalt. At the same time, these factors are have combined effects, for example, high moisture in the base, immediately below the asphalt, will cause a damage to the asphalt, even if the asphalt mixtures have been very good. The asphalt in this road was laid during the cold and rainy season and therefore the layers below the asphalt, especially the base and the sub base were not dry enough. The cold weather during and after laying also caused damage. There are other factors affecting the road, but in this study, the impact of weather alone is looked into. The study is on a road in the city of Irbid, North of Jordan, that has been found affected by the above mentioned factors.  

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Mihai Iliescu Factors Affecting The Sustainability Of The Asphalt Roads: A Case Study Of Irbid Inner Ring Road, Jordan Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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