Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

Human Resource Outsourcing: A Strategy For Gaining Competitive Advantage

Dr. Santosh M. Singh

Abstract :

Today the issue is not so much about what you could not do yourself efficiently, but what you do not want to do, for whatever business reason. The human resource management field presents a particularly interesting arena for outsourcing. Much attention has been given to the growing use of temporary workers provided by the “staffing” industry but alongside it, and much less noticed, has been the growing Human Resource Business Process Outsourcing industry (HR–BPO) which takes over whole HR activities. In the present paper an attempt is being made to study the factors attracting outsourcing and the possible challenges facing the outsourcing of activities. To make it more viant and acceptable some suggestions were also made at the end.  

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Dr. Santosh M. Singh Human Resource Outsourcing:A Strategy For Gaining Competitive Advantage Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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