Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Reported in Routine Surveillance System in Kerala, India

Dr Simi S M, Dr Anish T S

Abstract :

 Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is classically described as a viral exanthem caused by Coxsackie A16 (CVA–16)virus and entero–virus 71 (EV 71). However more viral agents and mutations are being reported to be associated with HFMD making its epidemiology and clinical picture more complex. One of the major attributes of HFMD is the seasonality and cyclical trends of the outeaks. The State of Kerala incorporated HFMD in the routine surveillance system in 2012. The aim of the current analysis is to study the trends and seasonality of this emerging disease using the secondary data available at the official website of Directorate of Health Services, Government of Kerala . A total of 1,150 cases of HFMD were reported from the State during 2012–2017 period with no fatality. The incidence of HFMD during the last six years in the State is 34.4 per million population with Idukki, being the highest endemic district with 354.9 per million population.  HFMD in the State  peaks in September–October, but other communicable diseases peak around June – July, the monsoon months of the State.

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Dr Simi S M, Dr Anish T S, Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Reported in Routine Surveillance System in Kerala, India, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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