Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012
Women Empowerment Through N R E G S (With Reference To State Of West Bengal)
Dilip Kumar Karak
Abstract :
This paper will focus on the nature of women workers in the lower income groups in National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS), 2005. In the present day women are not confined within the house. Women constitute a significant proportion of labour force. They are working to earn the living and to establish their independent existence. Presently women are able to actively participate in economic and political life. But still they face discrimination in the society and are deprived of their proper dues. The legal rights favorable to women are not implemented properly. Poor women in most cases do not get benefits of this law. Therefore, only laws cannot secure their rights, women should be more aware of their basic rights. In this respect so many measures have been taken by central Govt. as well as State Govt. to overcome the problems of women. Recognizing this humanitarian crisis, the Govt. of the United Progressive Alliances (UPA) at the centre made a commitment its Common Minimum Program (CMP) that it would immediately enact an Employment Guarantee Act. As per proposal of National Advisory Council (NAC) are envisaged legal guarantee to every household in rural areas for 100 days for doing casual manual work. The self targeting in nature, NREGS has high works participants of marginalized groups like SCs/STs and women. The Act targeted at 33 %( i.e. one–third) of the beneficiaries have to be women. This should help of women empowerment.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Dilip Kumar Karak Women Empowerment Through N R E G S (With Reference To State Of West Bengal) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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Dilip Kumar Karak Women Empowerment Through N R E G S (With Reference To State Of West Bengal) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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