Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

16S rDNA Sequence based Phylogenetic Analysis of Some Bacterial Phytoplasma

G. D. Sharma, Dhritiman Chanda, D. K. Jha

Abstract :

Phytoplasma are the bacteria without cell wall and are associated with plant diseases. 26 strains of phytoplasma sequences were analysed by 16s rRNA based Phylogenetic which are widely infected economically important plants. Among the five different Iranian phytoplasma strains, the two strains like Iraninan phytoplasma strains HAY2 and HAY4 shows the maximum bootstrap value of (98%) which means both the species have been originated from a single ancestor. The sequence similarity among this monophyletic group is higher in comparison with other three species of Iranian strains Iranian potato purple top, Plum phytoplasma PJ15, Peach phytoplasma PP49.The study was conducted to understand the major evolutionary relationship among the different phytoplasma strains which are pathogens to a wide variety of symptoms that range from mild yellowing to death of infected important plants.

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G. D.Sharma, Dhritiman Chanda, D.K. Jha 16S rDNA Sequence based Phylogenetic Analysis of Some Bacterial Phytoplasma International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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