Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

A clinical study on hearing loss in a tertiary care hospital in South India

Dr M Harini, Dr Manas Ranjan Rout

Abstract :

 Heå loss indicates an abnormality or change in their heå acuity. Heå loss is of three types; Conductive, Sensory neural and Mixed type.In conductive heå loss, problem lies in the conduction mechanism of the ear starting from the external ear to the foot plate of the stapes. Sensorineural heå loss indicates the problem is in the cochlea or in the neural system up to the auditory cortex. Mixed type of heå loss indicates the problem in both the systems.In this study our aim is to find out different causes and types of heå loss among the patients attending ENT department in a tertiary care hospital.This is a prospective study, conducted over a period of 2 years, from October 2009 to September 2011, in the department of ENT, Alluri Sitarama Raju Academy of Medical Sciences. Patients who were willing for the study on them were selected. Complete history was taken and thorough clinical examination was done along with the relevant investigations to find out the causes and types of heå loss. In our study we found the following results – • Out of the 100 patients selected for study, heå loss was common in female (53%) than male (47%). • Among the selected patients heå loss was common in age group 20–40yrs (36%). • The heå loss is commonly bilateral (64%) than unilateral (36%). • Conductive heå loss is more common 71% followed by sensorineural heå loss (23%) then mixed heå loss (6%). • The commonest cause of conductive heå loss in this study is CSOM (54.9%) • Sensorineural heå loss is more common in male compared to female. • The commonest cause of sensorineural heå loss is presbycusis (78.26%) followed by noise induced heå loss (7.69%). • Mixed heå loss is more common in female than male. • The commonest cause of mixed heå loss is CSOM with presbycusis (50.00%) followed by otosclerosis (33.33%)

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Dr M Harini, Dr Manas Ranjan Rout A clinical study on hearing loss in a tertiary care hospital in South India International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 8 |August 2016

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