Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016
A comparative study of association between birth weight of newborns and anaemia in mothers in an urban slum of Mumbai.
Dr. Vishal M. Patil, Dr. R. N. Kulkarni, Dr. S. R. Suryawanshi
Abstract :
Low Birth Weight (LBW) is one of the most serious challenges in maternal and child health in both developed and developing countries. Objective was to study the association between the birth weight of newborns and anaemia in mothers in an urban slum of Mumbai. It was Case control study conducted at cheetah camp urban slum during the period of January 2013 to December 2013 involving 260 cases and 260 controls. Out of total 520 mothers 100 (19.2%) mothers had haemoglobin level 7 to 9 gm%, 263 (50.6%) mothers had haemoglobin level 9.1 to 10.9 gm% and 157 (30.2%) mothers had haemoglobin level ≥ 11gm% in their third trimester of pregnancy. Anaemia in mothers was significantly associated with low birth weight.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Vishal M. Patil, Dr. R.N.Kulkarni, Dr.S.R.Suryawanshi, A comparative study of association between birth weight of newborns and anaemia in mothers in an urban slum of Mumbai., International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016
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Dr. Vishal M. Patil, Dr. R.N.Kulkarni, Dr.S.R.Suryawanshi, A comparative study of association between birth weight of newborns and anaemia in mothers in an urban slum of Mumbai., International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016
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