Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013

A Comparative Study on Flight Control Systems Design Using Conventional vs. Statistical Methods

Mullapudi Jyothi, Tadikonda Poojitha, Y V Pavan Kumar, Dr. K Babulu

Abstract :

Choice of controller design algorithm is always a challenge to the engineer, particularly in critical and dynamic systems such as fight controls. The usage of only conventional methods will not be sufficient in such critical systems design. Uncertainties, non linear disturbances, temperature variations etc… will cause variation in parameter values. In flight controls, sometimes these variations can cause huge impact on the response. In this scenario, statistical methods can be used to predict the effect on the response due to parameter variations. Statistical analysis will give the impact of a particular component on the response which can be used to increase the robustness of the system. An analog PID controller for controlling angle of an aileron is designed and the effect of parameter variations is studied using Monte Carlo simulation (MC). MC is used to vary the parameter value randomly within its probability distribution function. Since the variations are applied randomly uncertainty in the system is also taken into consideration. This paper compares the design considerations with respect to flight control systems using MC analysis and conventional methods such as Tyreus Luyben. This paper gives high level design methodology where both conventional and statistical methods can be combined to improve the controller design. The statistical analysis is done with help of Saber simulator tool. Here the effect of parameter variation on the overshoot of the response is studied. This result shows that the variations on the different dynamic characteristics using statistical methods.

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Mullapudi Jyothi, Tadikonda Poojitha, Y V Pavan Kumar, Dr. K Babulu A Comparative Study on Flight Control Systems Design Using Conventional vs. Statistical Methods International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013

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