Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014
A Comparative Study on The Colour Fastness Properties of 100% Jute Fabric Using Reactive and Disperse Dyes
M. Anish Sharmila, Dr. R. I. Sathya
Abstract :
Natural steam fiber jute is generally used for furnishing goods floor covering and decorative items. Rural and village peoples are highly skilled to make the crafts. This craftsman suffering to face the colour strength problem to manufactured the craft. In that problem can overcome using some chemical dyes. Reactive is an excellent fastness dye to light, wash and illiants of shades. Disperse dyes are the organic coloring substances free from ionizing groups with low water solubility. This study focus the comparison of colour fastness properties of 100% jute Reactive Orange M2R dyed and disperse blue BN dyed faic. These were investigated the colour fastness to crocking (dry and wet), perspiration (acid), Sunlight and Laundering. The dyed treated jute faic was evaluated by AATCC method. From the analysis we observed the reactive dyed jute faic shows very good result in colour fastness.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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M.ANISH SHARMILA, Dr. R.I. SATHYA A Comparative Study on The Colour
Fastness Properties of 100% Jute Fabric Using Reactive and Disperse Dyes International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014
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M.ANISH SHARMILA, Dr. R.I. SATHYA A Comparative Study on The Colour Fastness Properties of 100% Jute Fabric Using Reactive and Disperse Dyes International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014
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