Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014
A Competent Scheme For Rapid and Secure Handover Authentication Procedure of Mobile Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network
Ms. S. Asifa Begum, Mr. D. Sathish Kumar
Abstract :
In the world of communication network it is needed to provide services to multiple users simultaneously. There is a chance of occurrence of communication delay by means of obtaining services from an increased number of access points which are formally deployed in Wireless sensor network. Security must be maintained between every handover process such as transformation of mobile nodes from one access point location to another access point location. Cryptographic key generation mechanism used For the purpose of achieving security and so computation complexity is needed to be concerned while designing the procedure of the handover authentication process of mobile users. In this paper, we proposed the scheme of an efficient handover process which resolves the essential issues like network latency by credential Ticket issuance concept and also the computation complexity is reduced with the help of reusing generated keys. The most important issue security is maintained by updating the revoked user list correspondingly by server in a network, hence authentication is done by verifying the user revocation list.
Keywords :
Access point (AP) handover authentication computation complexity wireless sensor network (WSN) network communication
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Ms.S.Asifa Begum, Mr.D.Sathish Kumar A Competent Scheme For Rapid and
Secure Handover Authentication Procedure of Mobile Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014
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Ms.S.Asifa Begum, Mr.D.Sathish Kumar A Competent Scheme For Rapid and Secure Handover Authentication Procedure of Mobile Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014
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