Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

A Conceptual Review Paper On Health Insurance in India

Dr. Vazir Singh Nehra, Suman Devi

Abstract :

The review of literature justify the study, check out the repetitive work on the same subject matter, eliminates the chances of academic piracy and gives the researcher an understanding of what still remain to be done in the area of the subject under study. Therefore, keeping in mind the importance of the review of related literature, the researcher attempts here to review the available literature. Since health insurance is a very essential part in one person’s life so it becomes essential and beneficial to make a study on the growth of health insurance so that in our country the lot of people can take benefit from it and India can also get high ranking in the matter of health safety.

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Dr. Vazir Singh Nehra, Suman Devi A Conceptual Review Paper On Health Insurance in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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