Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016

A Crosssectional study to assess the perceptions regarding Adult Immunization among the beneficiaries of adult vaccination OPD.

Dr. Meena Kakeri, Dr. Deepika Nandanwar, Dr. Mandar Sadawarte

Abstract :

 Understanding the perceptions of beneficiaries regarding immunization will help us to give practical insights & improvise the management aspects of adult immunization. Aim was to assess the epidemiological determinants and perceptions of beneficiaries attending adult vaccination OPD in a tertiary care institute. A cross–sectional study of 2 months was done on 140 beneficiaries attending Adult Immunization OPD. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analysed using appropriate statistical tests. Maximum beneficiaries availed Yellow Fever vaccination for self protection. 90% were International travellers while around 50% were travelling for Recreational purpose. Mostly the beneficiaries did not reach a consensus on whether they can take vaccines even if they are having Fever and whether they are safe even if they don’t take all scheduled doses of recommended vaccines

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Dr. Meena Kakeri, Dr. Deepika Nandanwar, Dr. Mandar Sadawarte, A Crosssectional study to assess the perceptions regarding Adult Immunization among the beneficiaries of adult vaccination OPD., International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 |December 2016

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