Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

A detailed study of various grades of whipworm infection diagnosed by doing colonoscopy

Govindarajalu Ganesan

Abstract :

 Objective: To study the various grades of whipworm infection diagnosed by doing colonoscopy. Methods: A study of 72 patients who had undergone colonoscopy for a period of 5 years from November 2009 to October 2014 was carried out. In patients found to have parasitic worms during colonoscopy, number of parasitic worms in the colon were noted and investigations were done to know about the presence or absence of anaemia to know about the severity and various grades of whipworm infection. Results: Out of these 72 patients, parasitic worm was found in the colon in only one patient. The parasitic worm found in this patient was identified as whipworm or trichuris trichiura by its characteristic whip like shape. It has a short posterior thick part resembling the short handle of the whip and a long ,thin anterior part resembling the distal long ,thin part of the whip. Our patient was found to have only single whipworm in the colon while doing colonoscopy. Our patient did not have anaemia (haemoglobin 14.4 g%)and did not have any serious complications like Trichuris dysentery syndrome causing anaemia or colonic obstruction and perforation. Conclusion : Hence our patient was found to have only mild whipworm infection with only a single whipworm in the colon while doing colonoscopy without anaemia and without serious complications like Trichuris dysentery syndrome or colonic obstruction and perforation.

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Govindarajalu Ganesan, A detailed study of various grades of whipworm infection diagnosed by doing colonoscopy, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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