Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012
A Modern Approach In Teaching Learning Process Of Arithmetic
M. Kavitha, Dr. Ar. Saravanakumar
Abstract :
Mathematics represents a high level of abstraction attained by the human mind. Mathematics is the science of space and number. Mathematics holds a strong and uneakable position as compared to the school subjects. It is more closely related to our daily life as compared to other subjects. Napolean also remarked that “The progress and Improvement of Mathematics is linked to the prosperity of the state”. The part of mathematics that deals with numbers and counting or calculation as Arithmetic. For a person belonging to any profession, knowledge of Arithmetic is essential to cope with the needs of daily life. The teaching of arithmetic should start at the pre–primary stage or infant stage. An infant should be made to learn things about Arithmetic through playway method. In other words, it means that teaching of Arithmetic should start with the beginning of education. In this way, this research paper highlights the importance of teaching arithmetic to children
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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M.Kavitha, Dr.AR.Saravanakumar A Modern Approach In Teaching � Learning
Process Of Arithmetic International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012
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M.Kavitha, Dr.AR.Saravanakumar A Modern Approach In Teaching � Learning Process Of Arithmetic International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012
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