Volume : VIII, Issue : X, October - 2019

A Retrospective Analysis of Efficacy of Hemoadsorption (CYTOSORB) in Refractory Septic shock Patients as an Adjuvant

Dr. Mandarapu Surendra, Dr. Bharath Cherukuri, Dr. Sai Kumar, Dr. Nagasri Haritha, Dr. Lakshmi Kantham, Dr. Silpa, Dr. Bhavya, Dr. Srikanth, Dr. Jyothi

Abstract :

Dysregulated response of cytokines can result in hyper–inflammatory conditions called cytokine storm,commonly seen in sepsis and septic shock..The current study assessed hemoadsorption device – CytoSorb® for its efficiency as an adjuvant in treating patients suffering from septic shock. Total 8 patients enrolled were subjected to hemoadsorption therapy along with the standard treatment.The results of the study revealed significant improvement in clinical and haemodynamic parameters before and after initiation of CytoSorb® therapy. Out of 8 patients, 6 showed a positive outcome while 2 did not survive.The results of this study show that the use of hemoadsorption therapy can be considered in critically ill ICU patients as a safe and effective adjuvant therapy along with the standard treatment for a better outcome in patients

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF EFFICACY OF HEMOADSORPTION (CYTOSORB�) IN REFRACTORY SEPTIC SHOCK PATIENTS AS AN ADJUVANT, Dr. Mandarapu Surendra, Dr.Bharath Cherukuri, Dr.Sai Kumar, Dr. Nagasri Haritha, Dr. Lakshmi Kantham, Dr.Silpa, Dr.Bhavya, Dr.Srikanth, Dr.Jyothi INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-10 | October-2019

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