Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015
A study of Acute Pancreatitis , Diagnostic Modalities and Newer Guidelines
Dr. Astha K. Trivedi, Dr. Divyeshkumar Chaudhari, Dr. Sourabh Damani
Abstract :
BACKGROUND : Acute pancreatitis is a common and challenging disease that can develop both local and systemic complications which ranges from mild self limiting inflammation of pancreas to critical disease characterized by infected pancreatic necrosis, multiple organ failure, and a high risk of mortality AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1. To study etiological factors and presentation of Acute Pancreatitis 2. To assess various investigations for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis and its complications. 3. Study of Newer Guidelines MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY The analytical study of 25 cases of Acute Pancreatitis was done during April 2010 to December 2012 in patients of Sheth V.S. General Hospital ,Ahmedabad,Gujarat, India. OBSERVATION AND DISCUSSSION In our analytical study of 25 patients of acute pancreatitis, there is male preponderance, with maximum 18 patients (72%) are below 45 years of age. Alcoholism ranks first as the etiological factor 48% followed by 20% biliary tract disease. Among the male, alcoholism is the most common etiological factor, because addiction of it is more common in males, while biliary tract disease is the most common factor in female. Abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, abdominal distention are its common clinical symptoms RESULTS • Most of cases of acute pancreatitis (20 cases in my study)had self limiting course which were the cases of mild acute pancreatitis. Where as in 5 cases of acute severe pancreatitis with complication we had to explore • Newer guidelines has been presented in 2013 by American College of Gastroenterology which will help in better management of patients of Acute Pancreatitis
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Astha K.Trivedi, Dr. Divyeshkumar Chaudhari, Dr. Sourabh Damani A study of Acute Pancreatitis , Diagnostic Modalities and Newer Guidelines International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
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Dr. Astha K.Trivedi, Dr. Divyeshkumar Chaudhari, Dr. Sourabh Damani A study of Acute Pancreatitis , Diagnostic Modalities and Newer Guidelines International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
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