Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr. Ashish R. Sharma, Dr. Hitendra K. Desai

Abstract :

Blunt abdominal trauma is one of the most common causes among solid organ injuries. Morbidity and mortality in blunt abdominal injuries is major cause of concern for surgeons. Aims & Objective: This study was carried out to analyse patient profile, investigations and management of such patients. Material and Methods: 100 patients, who admitted to civil hospital Ahmedabad were studied prospectively. Age and gender distribution, Mode of injury, clinical presentation, organs injured, and investigations carried out, length of hospital stay, management – conservative or operative and their outcome were studied. Results: Out of 100 patients 65 were male, and 35 female patients. 55% patients are from 20–40 year age group. Majority are due to road traffic accidents (45%), and abdominal pain is the most common mode of presentation. Spleen (46%) and liver (38%) are the 2 most common organs involved. 22% patients are managed conservatively, remaining have to undergo laparotomy. Length of hospital stay (1–10 days in 37 patients) is lower patients who are managed by conservative management in comparison to operative management (11–20 days in 4 patients). 54% patients required 1 or more units of blood during hospital stay. Conclusion: Non penetrating abdominal injuries are major cause of concern. Ultrasonography and CT scan play major role in detecting solid organ injuries. Though conservative management is successful in carefully selected patients, operative management remains the main stay of treatment.

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Dr. Ashish R. Sharma, Dr. Hitendra K. Desai A Study of Blunt Abdominal Trauma Cases and its Management International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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