Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Study of HIV/AIDS Patients receiving ART Treatment in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Central India

Sachin Pandey, Vijay Kumar Manwani

Abstract :

Background: Information on HIV patients according sex wise number with percentage received ART treatment in tertiary care hospital ,CIMS, Bilaspur, CG have been obtained.AS well as we have studied about educational level, Awareness, ADR .And it was used in this study with the following objectives Objective 1.To study the HIV patients who were ART treatment have been taking in a tertiary care hospital CIMS Bilaspur, which is out of three ART centre in this State. 2. To study of HIV/AIDS patients about them awareness and educational level. 3. To find out the Anti Drug Reaction(ADR) of these patients. Methodology The data under HSS were obtained from ART centre of CIMS a tertiary care hospital Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. The data has been obtained where HSS was carried out during October 2013 to December 2013 . PLHA of educational level ,Awareness about HIV and ADR of 44 patients PLHA have been obtained with percentage as well as Z- test, p value. The data were analyzed by SPSS 11.5 version. Tables and Figures have been made respectively. Results In year 2013, HIV registered in a tertiary care Hospital as well as Medical college ,CIMS ,Bilaspur, C.G. In this city there is one Govt. Medical College with a tertiary care Hospital. The Number and Percentage of PLHA (People living with HIV/AIDS) are positive Male & Female are (23,41%), (33, 59%) It means that HIV are more Prevalent in Female than Male. So it are alarming for conducting Ante Netal Care HSS programme very carefully. The Mean & SD of Educational level of PLHA are (14+-12.56).AS well as the Z-test has applied with p value .There is no statistical significant, p>.05). The Mean & SD of Educational level based on Sex of PLHA are (16+-8.48).As well as the Z-test has applied with p value .There is no statistical significant, p>.05). The Mean & SD of Awareness level of PLHA are (18.66+-15.88).As well as the Z-test has applied with p value .There is no statistical significant ,p>.05). The Mean & SD ADR reported of PLHA are (6.28+-4.23).As well as the Z-test has applied with p value .There is no statistical significant, p>.05). with the total no. of patients on ART is 27 with 48% of the PLHA. Recommendation: HIV of Females are more exceed than in male of HIV . So it are alarming for conducting Ante Netal Care HIV Sentinel Survillance(HSS) programme very carefully. We have to improve Awareness and Educational Level of HIV Female. Then we have to give an idea to how to prevent to HIV among HIV Females. One more thing to we will control (Prevention to Parrent to Child admnmision) PPTCT.

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Sachin Pandey,Vijay Kumar Manwani A Study of HIV/AIDS Patients receiving ART Treatment in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Central India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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