Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014


Mrs. Lilly. J, Ms. Maheshwari. M

Abstract :

“When a management team with a reputation for illiance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact” – Warren Buffett  TQM has spread its wings in every sphere of the global corporate world and Indian companies. Total Quality Management which is one of the human–centered, participatory, and in the understanding of a customer and employee–oriented philosophy, a system which processes the continuous development and improvement.TQM literature shows the relationship between TQM and employees’ satisfaction in an organization. Organizational outcomes are effected by employee satisfaction, so it very important for the organizations. The present study will fill this gap and also provide some practical guidance to the software companies dealing with this issue. Many of the basic TQM elements dealing with people have been examined in previous studies such as: teamwork, reward and recognition, customer focus, organizational trust, extensive training, high level of communication, management commitment at all levels, employee involvement, empowerment and organizational culture

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Mrs. Lilly. J, Ms. Maheshwari. M A Study on Employee Satisfaction towards TQM Practices International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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