Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015


Dr Anil H T, Dr. Ganga. J. Kamath, Dr Manita Gauri

Abstract :

Objective: To determine the incidence and type of deafness in patients suffering from hypothyroidism. Materials and methods: 60 patients were included in the study. Patients with hypothyroidism were compared with age matched controls for their heå acuity. Results: 86% were women with the predominance of the age between 30–40 years.63.33% had the diagnosis of the hypothyroidism for less than 3 years.53.33% of hypothyroid patients had normal heå,28.33% cases had sensorineural heå loss,11.66% had mixed heå loss, and 6.66% had conductive heå loss. Mild degree of heå impairment was present in majority (33.33%) and moderate in 10%. Conclusion: It was found that patients with hypothyroidism had predominance of sensorineural heå loss followed by mixed and conductive type, ranging from mild to moderate in severity.It is seen that there is no relation between duration of hypothyroidism and cochleovestibular symptoms

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Dr ANIL H T, Dr. GANGA.J.KAMATH, Dr MANITA GAURI A Study on Hearing Profile in Aquired Hypothyroidism International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 12 December 2015

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