Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

A Study on Services Marketing Mix With Reference to Hotel Industry in Mayiladuthurai Town

Dr. C. Balaji

Abstract :

Hotel industry one of the fastest growing industry in the current scenario .The demand of hotel industry has been increase in recent time and now day’s tourists want highly specialized as well as customized services from hotel industry. In addition, competition in the field of hotel industry and tourism has always been extremely on top and it is always difficult for newcomers to adopt the new trends and demand their own market share. Therefore, Hotel industry professionals need to focus on offering better quality services at affordable prices for the customers. The main goal of the industry is to obtain customer satisfaction in terms of services and money and maintain stable relationship with customers in long term basis.

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Dr. C.BALAJI A Study on Services Marketing Mix With Reference to Hotel Industry in Mayiladu-thurai Town International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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