Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

A Study On Temporal Change In Bank Line Of River Khowai At Alepsha, Khowai District, Tripura

Mrs. Rina Rani Deb, Dr. Nibedita Das

Abstract :

Lateral shifting of channel is a type of change of immense importance which can be detected by its asymmetric position in the river valley and the evidences of its temporal shift. The lower reach of the Khowai River is flowing through the alluvial plain and its bank line is changing gradually. The present study aims to investigate the amount and nature of shift of the left bank of the Khowai River in Tripura, particularly at Alepsha between 1966 and 2010 and to ascertain the possible reasons behind such changes. Such changes of the river course are affecting the livelihood of the local people and also repeatedly damaging a part of the State Highway. People were forced to migrate permanently due to this hazard. Temporal change has also affected the land use pattern along the river bank at Alepsha.

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Mrs. Rina Rani Deb, Dr. Nibedita Das A Study On Temporal Change In Bank Line Of River Khowai At Alepsha, Khowai District, Tripura International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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