Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2017
A Survey on Methods of Undergraduate Pharmacology Teaching
Dr. Ashwini Satpathy, Dr. Ashutosh Kakade, Dr. Y. A. Deshmukh, Dr. B. Divya Raghuvamsini
Abstract :
Introduction: Knowledge of pharmacology to choose and prescribe drugs is a major challenge encountered by medical practitioners. A number of initiatives have been carried out to improve the teaching of pharmacology and applied therapeutics. Material & methods: A survey was conducted on medical students, pursuing pharmacology at MGM Medical College, Navi–Mumbai during the month of October 2013, to obtain information regarding students attitude towards pharmacology as a subject. A structured validated questionnaire, with multiple options was given to each of them. They were asked to select the options which they felt was/were the best. Students were instructed not to reveal their identity in the questionnaire. The completed questionnaires was collected and assessed with the help of faculty. Result: One Hundred students participated from the 2nd year MBBS. Most of them suggested to have more problem based learning than didactic lectures and to have integrated teaching with other clinical subjects. Only one student happen to know the prospects of being MD in Pharmacology and DM further. Suggestions to improve pharmacology teaching were noted. Conclusion: The finding of the study would be of interest to medical educators in modifying undergraduate pharmacology teaching program.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Ashwini Satpathy, Dr. Ashutosh Kakade, Dr. Y.A. Deshmukh, Dr. B. Divya Raghuvamsini, A Survey on Methods of Undergraduate Pharmacology Teaching, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-8 | AUGUST‾2017
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Dr. Ashwini Satpathy, Dr. Ashutosh Kakade, Dr. Y.A. Deshmukh, Dr. B. Divya Raghuvamsini, A Survey on Methods of Undergraduate Pharmacology Teaching, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-8 | AUGUST‾2017
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