Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

A Swot Analysis of Different Insecticides Used For Indoor Residual/Space Spray in Aiims Jodhpur an Effective Instrument for Measuring Community Acceptability

Dewesh Kumar, Pankaja R. Raghav, Mahendra Singh, Pankaj Bhardwaj, Shikha Murmu, Preeti Mathur

Abstract :

Department of Community Medicine and Family Medicine in AIIMS Jodhpur is the nodal office for mosquito control activities and its surveillance in AIIMS Jodhpur since 10th October 2012. The department is responsible for carrying out antilarvicidal and antiadult measures in the whole AIIMS campus. We have been using Temephos/Abate for potable water and MLO(Mosquito larvicidal oil) for dirty water as antilarval measures successfully with >95% acceptability. But antiadult measures received a set back with precedented failure. Since October the department has tried three different chemicals for IRS (Indoor Residual Spray) with different levels of acceptance. A round of focussed discussions were carried out within the college amongst different strata of community to determine the different reasons of lower coverage of Pyrethrum (98.4%) and Malathion–I (89.7%) and Malathion–II(82.9%) with highest of Deltamethrin (99%). It was concluded that Deltamethrin was a grand success amongst residents albeit high cost and the reason attributed were strong administrative will and commitment, stringent monitoring, rising trend of dengue cases in Jodhpur during the season and odourless and stainless nature of the chemical.

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Dewesh Kumar, Pankaja R. Raghav, Mahendra Singh, Pankaj Bhardwaj, Shikha Murmu, Preeti Mathur A Swot Analysis of Different Insecticides Used For Indoor Residual/Space Spray in Aiims Jodhpur � an Effective Instrument for Measuring Community Acceptability International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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