Volume : VIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2019

A unique data validation process by internal and external quality assurance system aimed to combat research malpractice.

Mr. Sushant Kaushal, Dr. Rahul Tyagi, Dr. Avijit Banik, Ms. Priya Battu, Ms. Priya Mehra, Dr. Neel Kamal Sharma, Mr. Kaushal Sharma, Prof. Akshay Anand

Abstract :

Research faication and data fraud are one of the major concerns worldwide which are rising and evident from increasing number of retractions in peer reviewed Journals. If not checked, this can impact the reputation of a research organisation as well as the costs of translation of research data. In basic research extremely publi–cized cases of falsification of data have been reported and it is possible, that there are many unreported or un–detected cases. In order to improve the quality standards, the validation processes were implemented for data quality at Neuroscience research lab in India for verifying PhD thesis results. Good Laboratory practices could be implicated in every research institute so that data impostures were prevented. We aimed to establish superior data quality by randomly verifying raw data in multiple projects funded by national agencies before publica–tion of results at Neuroscience Research Lab

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr/6300216  

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A UNIQUE DATA VALIDATION PROCESS BY INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM AIMED TO COMBAT RESEARCH MALPRACTICE., Mr. Sushant Kaushal, Dr. Rahul Tyagi, Dr. Avijit Banik, Ms. Priya Battu, Ms. Priya Mehra, Dr. Neel Kamal Sharma, Mr. Kaushal Sharma, Prof. Akshay Anand INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2019

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