Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Abiotic Factors Influences Soil Carbon Dioxide Flux in the Sub–tropical Forests, Manipur, NE India

M. Dineswori Devi, P. S. Yadava

Abstract :

 Seasonal variations in the soil CO2 flux were studied in two forest stands of sub–tropical forests in Senapati district  of Manipur from April 2011– March 2012. The rate of soil CO2 flux was measured using alkali absorption method.  The soil CO2 flux ranged from 69.655 to 382.194 mgCO2m–2hr–1 and 72.297 to 392.985 mgCO2m–2hr–1 for forest stand I and II respectively  in different months throughout the year. The soil CO2 flux rate was recorded to be maximum during rainy season followed by summer season  and winter season. The significant positive relation in soil CO2 flux rate and abiotic factors i. e. soil moisture, soil temperature, relative humidity, mean air temperature and rainfall shows that soil CO2 flux rates were highly influenced by abiotic factors in the sub–tropical forests  of Manipur, N.E. India.

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M. Dineswori Devi, P.S. Yadava Abiotic Factors Influences Soil Carbon Dioxide Flux in the Sub–tropical Forests, Manipur, NE India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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