Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

Adenomatoid Odontogenic cyst(AOC) of the Mandible: Report of a Case

Dr. Shreyasgupte, Dr Angad Shetye, Dr Shruti Chhadva, Dr. Pratik Malusare

Abstract :

 Adenomatoidodontogenic cyst (AOC) is a benign, non–neoplastic and slow growing lesion commonly seen in maxillary anterior region. AOC is characterized histologically by the formation of duct–like structures with amyloid–like deposits. Histogenesis of AOC is still uncertain and it is often considered as a hamartomatous lesion rather than a true neoplasm. AOC has a benign behavior and conservative surgical enucleation or curettage is sufficient. We report a case of AOC in a 19–year–old female managed with surgical enucleation of the lesion.

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Dr. ShreyasGupte, Dr Angad Shetye, Dr Shruti Chhadva, Dr.Pratik Malusare Adenomatoid Odontogenic Cyst(Aoc) of The Mandible: Report of a Case International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015

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