Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015
Mr. Anil Gosavi, Sanket Dhavane, Abhishek Chaudhari, Prof M. J. Naidu, Anup Patil, Ajinkya Tambe
Abstract :
The work of printing is very ancient and lot of development is taken place with time eclipsed, due to this printing find an important application in newspaper industries, manufacturing industries, textiles, medicals etc. Most of the work done on flat surface printing machine as compared to curved surface screen printing machine. Curved surface printing is difficult and required lot of innovative work on it, so curved surface screen printing machine lacks behind in its modification. Form our project point of view we have decided to do automation on conventional method of curved surface printing; conventionally it is done manually by doing the screen to and fro so for convenience we are using pneumatic system for its operation. By making it pneumatic opeated cost and time of printing is reduced and so the requirement of skill worker. This automation will make this machine more reliable than manually printing machine.Main intention behind the research work is to improve the productivity curved surface printing. We are confident and faithful that our project will succeed and have scope of future modification on it.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Mr.Anil Gosavi, Sanket Dhavane, Abhishek Chaudhari, Prof M.J. Naidu, Anup Patil, Ajinkya Tambe ADVANCE CURVED SURFACE SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
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Mr.Anil Gosavi, Sanket Dhavane, Abhishek Chaudhari, Prof M.J. Naidu, Anup Patil, Ajinkya Tambe ADVANCE CURVED SURFACE SCREEN PRINTING MACHINE International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
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