Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015
An Evaluation of Clincial Efficiency of Three Commonly Used Self Ligating Bracket Systems–A Prospective Clinical Study
Manish Goyal, Naveen Bansal, Nishtha Glodha, Saad Hasan
Abstract :
Background & Objectives: Different Self-ligating ackets are common these days. Various studies evaluated the
characteristics of these ackets with few studies evaluating their treatment quality. This study compared effectiveness of three contemporary self-ligating ackets (Smart Clip, In-Ovation, Damon 2).
Methods: 24 patients were divided into groups treated with Smart Clip, In-Ovation, and Damon 2 acket systems. The treatment time and
the number of appointments required to complete the treatment were recorded.
Results: Average time taken for the completion of treatment in Smart Clip, In-Ovation, and Damon 2 group was 15.6 ? 2.7, 16.2 ? 3.5, and
17.0 ? 3.5 months respectively. The number of appointments required for completion of treatment in Smart Clip, In-Ovation, and Damon 2
group were 16.7 ? 2.5, 17.5 ? 3.2, and 19.3 ? 2.7 respectively.
Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference in the treatment time, number of appointments between the three acket systems
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Manish Goyal, Naveen Bansal, Nishtha Glodha, Saad Hasan An Evaluation of Clincial Efficiency of Three Commonly Used Self Ligating Bracket Systems–A Prospective Clinical Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015
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Manish Goyal, Naveen Bansal, Nishtha Glodha, Saad Hasan An Evaluation of Clincial Efficiency of Three Commonly Used Self Ligating Bracket Systems–A Prospective Clinical Study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015
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