Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017
An unusual presentation of dysphagia secondary to aortic aneurysm in male patient.
Dr. Dattu Vyas, Dr. Bipin Vyas
Abstract :
Dysphagia aortica is a rare cause of dysphagia. It is a mechanical dysphagia caused by compression of the esophagus by the dilated aorta. It occurs most commonly in elderly women with short stature, hypertension and kyphosis. Here we are presenting a case of dysphagia aortica in a 56 yrs old male patient , a rare occurance. Chest computed tomography showed compression of the esophagus by a dilated thoracic aortic aneurysm. Extrinsic compression of the esophagus by the thoracic aorta was also shown in the barium swallow test.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Dattu Vyas, Dr. Bipin Vyas, An unusual presentation of dysphagia secondary to aortic aneurysm in male patient., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017
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Dr. Dattu Vyas, Dr. Bipin Vyas, An unusual presentation of dysphagia secondary to aortic aneurysm in male patient., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017
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