Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Antenatal care practices at Primary health centre in North Karnataka: A cross–sectional study.

Ganesh Anantrao Mane, Mubashir Angolkar, Kamal Patil, Ashwini B. Narasannavar, Ashutosh Shrestha, Bijendra Banjade, Jitendra Kumar Sah

Abstract :

 Background: Antenatal care refers to pregnancy related care provided by health worker either in a medical facility or at home. Objectives: To know the current antenatal care practices in rural community of Vantamuri Primary  Health Centre (PHC). Material and methods: A total of 390 women who delivered in the three sub centres of Vantamuri PHC, Belagavi district  between 1st November 2009 to 31st October 2010 were interviewed at home. Predesigned and self administered questionnaire was used to  collect the information. Results: 100% women had at least one antenatal visits. 7% had two antenatal visits, 26% had three antenatal visits &  majority i.e. 66% of women had more than three antenatal visits. 35% women consumed more than 100 IFA tablets. Conclusion: This finding  has opened new gateways for further research and carries a lot of future benefit in addressing antenatal care and health education at grass  root level in rural community to minimize the unhealthy practices during antenatal period.

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Ganesh Anantrao Mane, Mubashir Angolkar, Kamal Patil, Ashwini B. Narasannavar, Ashutosh Shrestha, Bijendra Banjade, Jitendra Kumar Sah Antenatal care practices at Primary health centre in North Karnataka: A cross–sectional study. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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