Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013
Anterior Deep Overbite in Angle’s Class Ii Division–1 and Angles Class Ii Division– 2— a Dentoalveolar and Skeletal Evaluation
Dr Roopal . V. Patel, Dr. Poonam Sharma
Abstract :
Diagnosis is the most critical part of Orthodontic treatment. Angle’s classification evalutes malrelationship of the arches in saggital plane but the abnormalities in vertical plane are not considered by him. The vertical abnormalities like deepbite and openbite are a challenge to the orthodontic clinician. The deep overbite can be dentoalveolar in origin or skeletal due to growth pattern of jaws. So it is important to study the type of deepbite in a given case.As deepbite is common in class II cases, this study is carried out to study dentoskeletal pattern of deepbite of two types Angle’s class II div. 1 and class II div. 2 cases compared with normal subjects using cephalometric analysis.It was concluded that there is more horizontal growth pattern in class II div. 2 cases hence hence the deepbite is more severe in class II div.2 cases compared to div.1 cases.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr Roopal .V.Patel, Dr. Poonam sharma Anterior Deep Overbite in Angle’s Class Ii Division-1 and Angles Class Ii Division- 2—a Dentoalveolar and Skeletal Evaluation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013
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Dr Roopal .V.Patel, Dr. Poonam sharma Anterior Deep Overbite in Angle’s Class Ii Division-1 and Angles Class Ii Division- 2—a Dentoalveolar and Skeletal Evaluation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013
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