Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015
Assess the Causes of Frequent Turnover Of Staff Nurses
P. Ruban David, M. Ohm Prakash
Abstract :
Nursing turnover is a major issue impacting the performance and profitability of health care organizations. Healthcare organizations require a stable, highly trained and fully engaged nursing staff to provide effective levels of patient care. Much of the nurse turnover research explores how turnover behavior is influenced by organizational characteristics associated with workload, management style, empowerment and autonomy, promotional opportunities and work schedules. Objectives of the study is to identify the Factors influencing nurses turn over . The study is conducted according to the Descriptive Research Design. The research approach is qualitative approach. The population consisted of staff nurses. Sample was selected by using convenient sampling method. In the demographic variables that 55% of the nurses are between the age group 20 – 25 years, 70% of the nurses are female, 90% of the nurses are unmarried, 50% of the nurses have experience between 1 – 3 years and 60% of the nurses are graduated with B.sc(N).Frequency and percentage distribution of causes of nurses turnover that 78.33% of the nurses agreed that institutional reasons are the cause for nurses turnover, 58.3% of the nurses agreed that Personal reasons are the cause for nurses turnover and on the whole 50% of the nurses agreed all the five reasons are the cause for nurses turnover
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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P. Ruban David, M. Ohm Prakash �Assess the Causes of Frequent Turnover of Staff Nurses International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015
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P. Ruban David, M. Ohm Prakash �Assess the Causes of Frequent Turnover of Staff Nurses International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015
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