Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017
Assessing age using Nolla’s method and comparing its efficacy with skeletal age from hand wrist radiographs: A clinicoradiographic study
Dr. Barun Dev Kumar, Dr. Sneha Thakur, Dr. Soni Kumari, Dr. Chetan Kantilal Picha, Dr. Sankalp Verma
Abstract :
Aim: to assess dental age using Nolla’s method and to find the correlation amongst the skeletal, dental, and chronological ages. Material and methods: Ninety Indian healthy children in the age group 9–13 years, comprising equal number of males and females, were included in the study. The children were radiographed for hand–wrist of the right hand and intraoral periapical X–ray for right permanent maxillary and mandibular canine. Results: There was high correlation between skeletal maturation indicator and canine calcification stages for both male and female children (0.635, 0.891). Conclusion: Chronological age showed inconsistent correlation with dental and skeletal ages.It was concluded that canine calcification stages can also be used for assessing skeletal maturity.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Barun Dev Kumar, Dr. Sneha Thakur, Dr. Soni Kumari, Dr. Chetan Kantilal Picha, Dr. Sankalp Verma , Assessing age using Nolla¥s method and comparing its efficacy with skeletal age from hand wrist radiographs: A clinicoradiographic study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017
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References :
Dr. Barun Dev Kumar, Dr. Sneha Thakur, Dr. Soni Kumari, Dr. Chetan Kantilal Picha, Dr. Sankalp Verma , Assessing age using Nolla¥s method and comparing its efficacy with skeletal age from hand wrist radiographs: A clinicoradiographic study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017
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