Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018
Assessment of Vaccine Wastage in Primary Health Care Settings of South Delhi
Farzana Islam, Rambha Pathak, Sushovan Roy, Rashmi Agarwalla, Meely Panda, Arup Deb Roy
Abstract :
Background: Universal Immunization Program (UIP) of India significantly made achievements in preventing and controlling the Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs). However, despite the concerted efforts of the government and other health agencies, the full immunization coverage is only 65.3% (RSOC 2013–14). Securing adequate quality and quantity of vaccines in terms of vaccine management and reducing vaccine wastage rate are one of the main concerns of the programme.
Methodology: A record based descriptive study, was carried out in the immunization clinics of the health centres (UHTC & RHTC) under the dept. of Community Medicine, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (HIMSR), JamiaHamdard, New Delhi. Immunization clinics are held twice a week, on Wednesdays and Fridays. All the children (up to 16 years of age) who were vaccinated in the immunization clinics, between 1st July’2016 to 30th June’2017 were included in the study. Information regarding the number of vaccine vials procured and issued for immunization sessions during the study period was obtained from the Stock Register, Vaccinator’s Logistic Dairy & Immunization Register.
Results: Out of8410 doses of vaccines which were issued 6161 numbers of children were vaccinated. The wastage rate was highest for BCG (79.39.50%) and lowest for TT vaccine (8.53%). It has also been observed that in case of live vaccines; BCG (supplied in 10 dose vial preparation) has the highest WR (79.39%), compared to Measles and MMR (35.97%) which are available in 5 dose vial preparation. Again for vaccine vials where open vial policy is applicable, WR for 10 dose vial preparations is much less (12.74%) than the 20 dose vial (21.74%) preparation e.g. bOPV.
Conclusion: The overall vaccine wastage was found to be 26.74%. The wastage of lyophilized vaccines, viz. BCG, Measles & MMR is more (54.84%) and that of other vaccines like IPV, Pentavalent, TT, DPT (12.74%). The vaccine vial size, session size play a significant role in minimizing the wastage of vaccines.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Farzana Islam, Rambha Pathak, Sushovan Roy, Rashmi Agarwalla, Meely Panda, Arup Deb Roy, Assessment of Vaccine Wastage in Primary Health Care Settings of South Delhi, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018
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Farzana Islam, Rambha Pathak, Sushovan Roy, Rashmi Agarwalla, Meely Panda, Arup Deb Roy, Assessment of Vaccine Wastage in Primary Health Care Settings of South Delhi, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018
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