Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2016


Sureka Varalakshmi . V

Abstract :

 Communication has a very important place in medical education to help students master the ever growing field of medicine. To enhance communication in a lecture audio visual aids (AV aids) like over head projectors (OHP’s) and power point projections (PPT) are being used. But do they cater to the student needs in all lectures is a big question. Our aim was to get students perspective on AV aids as a tool for effective learning. Objectives: To make a comparative assessment of the role played by AV aids in improving the effectiveness of lecture. Materials and Methods: A survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires’ randomly to 100 students studying first year in SUT Academy of Medical Sciences, Trivandrum, Kerala (Annexure). Students were asked to evaluate the role of AV aids in improving the learning process. Results and Conclusion: Results showed that students do prefer AV aids to eak the monotony of a lecture but scientific knowledge and creativity of the teacher play a role in making a lecture effective (1). Black board teaching is still preferred by most students. PPT ranks the best as it has high visibility and helps in notes taking. Nearly 90% students preferred mixing of audio visual aids to make a topic more interesting. To improve the effectiveness of a lecture, it is suggested that different AV aids can be used along with the time tested method of black board teaching. The emphasis here is on student learning than on the latest gadget available.

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Sureka Varalakshmi .V AUDIO VISUAL AIDS – A BOON OR A BANE? PERSPECTIVE OF FIRST YEAR MEDICAL STUDENTS. International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 8 |August 2016

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