Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Awareness of the Professional of Nursing: Hemodialysis X Related Infections to Health Assistance

Pescio, A. M. P, Moreira, J. A. R, Levada, M. M. O, Beretta, A. L. R. Z

Abstract :

OBJECTIVES: Highlighting misconduct of professional of nursing in nephrology in executing procedures to patients with renal disease, and evaluating them as consciousness in the process of building and searching healthcare quality. MATERIAL AND METHODS: It was used the qualitative method, the reports from industry hemodialysis professionals through semi structured questionnaire. The study included 16 professionals of the area. RESULTS: Of the 16 participants (100%), 11 (68.75%) had full awareness that HCAI can be acquired after procedures performed in dialysis patients, but 05 participants (31.25%) showed total ignorance. CONCLUSION: Most participants possessed sufficient knowledge to a conscious quality care of the patient, but each professional possessed isolated consciousness. The study suggests the development of an instrument of nursing care to be applied in the hemodialysis unit, and training emphasizing the importance of awareness in relation to HCAI, promoting updates and training of conscious professionals as well as of the not conscious.

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PESCIO, A.M.P, MOREIRA, J.A.R, LEVADA, M.M.O, BERETTA, A.L.R.Z Awareness of the Professional of Nursing: Hemodialysis X Related Infections to Health Assistance International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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