Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Bacteriological Study of Clinically Suspected Cases of Gas Gangrene.

Dr Jigar K Gusani, Dr Sanjay D Rathod , Dr Payal R Dholaria, Dr Parul D Shah, Dr N M Shaikh

Abstract :

Objective: To study bacterial isolates from clinically suspected cases of gas gangrene. Methods: Study period was from January 2012 to July 2012. Samples were collected from 50 clinically suspected cases of gas gangrene. Immediately Gram stain, aerobic culture and inoculation into Robertson’s cooked meat (RCM) medium were done. Anaerobic culture was done from inoculated RCM onto CDC blood agar with gaspack system for 48 hours. Colony morphology, Gram staining and aerotolerance tests were performed. Results: There were total 16 smear positive cases (32%). Out of which 12 specimens showed anaerobes in form of 22 obligate anaerobe isolates. 21(95.45%) were suggestive of Clostridium species and 1(5.55%) was suggestive of Fusobacterium spp. In the remaining Klebsiella spp. followed by Enterococcus spp. were common isolates. Conclusion: Initial conventional steps for identification of anaerobes helps clinicians in institution of specific therapy and eventually better patient management in clinical emergency like gas gangrene.

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Dr Jigar K Gusani, Dr Sanjay D Rathod , Dr Payal R Dholaria, Dr Parul D Shah, Dr N M Shaikh Bacteriological Study of Clinically Suspected Cases of Gas Gangrene. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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