Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015
Biological relevance of clinical and pathological features in breast cancer molecular subtypes: additional insights for personalized decision–making in nodal status assessment
Buonomo O. C. , Orsaria P. , Pagnani G. , Scaggiante J. , Rossi P. , Venditti D. , Granai A. V. , Vanni G. , Varvaras D. , Esser A. , Bonanno E. , Caredda E. , Petrella G. , Palombi L.
Abstract :
Management of the axilla in early east cancer (BC) has evolved in the genomic era to highly and increasingly conservative approaches based on the assessment of the sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) as well as intrinsic primary tumor biology and patients characteristics. This study aims to verify the definition of molecular subtypes (MST) of east cancer with increased risk of nodal involvement, and validate the prognostic value of sentinel node assessment, even related to well established prognostic signatures. The authors enrolled 779 BC patients to perform a risk analysis in univariate and multivariate binary logistic models, compĺ the baseline characteristics. Results revealed a strong significance in identifying the “Non Luminal” classes as a low–risk group for axillary metastatic involvement, with a risk decreased by 60% (p
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Buonomo O.C., Orsaria P., Pagnani G., Scaggiante J., Rossi P., Venditti D., Granai A.V., Vanni G., Varvaras D., Esser A., Bonanno E., Caredda E., Petrella G., Palombi L. Biological relevance of clinical and pathological features in breast cancer molecular subtypes: additional insights for personalized decision–making in nodal status assessment International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
Number of Downloads : 977
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Buonomo O.C., Orsaria P., Pagnani G., Scaggiante J., Rossi P., Venditti D., Granai A.V., Vanni G., Varvaras D., Esser A., Bonanno E., Caredda E., Petrella G., Palombi L. Biological relevance of clinical and pathological features in breast cancer molecular subtypes: additional insights for personalized decision–making in nodal status assessment International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015
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