Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Buffy Coat : A Clue to The Diagnosis of Hairy Cell Leukemia

Dr. Smriti Dewan, Dr. Reeta Dhar

Abstract :

Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a rare disease, comprising 2% of lymphoid leukemias. HCL is B–cell lymphoproliferative disorder affecting middle–aged to elderly adults. HCL is an indolent neoplasm of small mature B lymphoid cells with oval nuclei and abundant cytoplasm with hairy projections involving peripheral blood and diffusely infiltrating the bone marrow and splenic red pulp. Occasional cases may have nuclei that are monocytoid, folded or even bilobed in shape. Buffy coat preparation in pancytopenia cases has proved to be an important modality in clinching the diagnosis of HCL which can be further confirmed with positive markers like DBA.44(CD72) and Annexin A1 on immunohistochemistry. An accurate diagnosis is of critical importance because of the unique approach to the management of HCL patients.

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Dr. Smriti Dewan, Dr. Reeta Dhar Buffy Coat : A Clue to The Diagnosis of Hairy Cell Leukemia International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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