Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Candiduria: a reliable indicator of neonatal candidemia ? An experience in a tertiary care hospital.

Vandana Sardana, Anita Pandey, Archana Dubey

Abstract :


Background & Objectives: Candidemia is a significant cause of nosocomial mortality and morbidity in neonates. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is crucial. Non–albicans Candida (NAC) species are assuming an increasing role in nosocomial infections in neonates. The present study was carried out i) to identify and speciate the Candida isolates obtained from cases of neonatal candidemia and to assess the risk factors and clinical manifestations associated with it (ii) to evaluate if candiduria, can be considered as a reliable indicator of candidemia. Methods: The prospective cohort study included the blood samples from 527 clinically suspected cases of neonatal septicaemia which were subjected to automated culture and processed as per standard microbiological techniques. The urine samples from all the 527 neonates were processed by conventional method.  Results: Frequency of neonatal candidemia in culture proven cases of septicemia was 30.1%.  Low birth weight was the commonest risk factor, followed by prematurity. Non–albicans Candida (NAC) species were isolated from blood in 86.4% cases compared to Candida albicans in 13.6%. Candida glaata was the predominant species. Overall, candiduria was found in 54.5% cases of neonatal candidemia with same species of Candida isolated both from blood and urine samples. Among the cases of candiduria, NAC species were isolated in 81.7% compared to C. albicans in 18.3%. Correlation between candiduria and candidemia was maximum (73.33%) in C. albicans followed by C. tropicalis (72.41%) and C. glaata (55.81%). Conclusions: The present study highlights the emergence of NAC species as an important cause of neonatal candidemia from Meerut city: definitely a changing trend. Further, our study also highlights that candiduria may be considered as a reliable indicator of candidemia in neonates.

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Vandana Sardana, Anita Pandey, Archana Dubey, Candiduria: a reliable indicator of neonatal candidemia ? An experience in a tertiary care hospital., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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